New infections remained stable at a high level of 681 yesterday.
On Wednesday, Belgium also issued a travel warning for Innsbruck – last week the country issued one against Vienna. In the seven-day incidence per 100,000 Innsbruck is 137.8 and Vienna 114.7. Purely from the numbers both would be red thereby. The European Health Authority has already put Austria, like many EU countries, on red, as the incidence is over 100. The number of new infections remained stable at 681 yesterday.
The country Germany important for the tourism classified Vorarlberg on Wednesday evening as Corona risk area and imposed a travel warning. Belgium set meanwhile the Lands of the Federal Republic Vorarlberg and Tirol on the red list.
The German Robert Koch institute (RKI) set Vorarlberg and regions in ten further European countries on the list of the risk areas. “The federal state of Vorarlberg is now also considered a risk area,” the institute’s website stated in the evening.
Entering Austria from Vienna and Vorarlberg must now present a negative COVID-19 test on entering Germany, which must not be older than 48 hours, in order not to enter a mandatory 14-day quarantine. The travel warning is not a ban, but is intended to have a considerable deterrent effect. It allows German holidaymakers to cancel bookings free of charge.
New on the German list of risk areas on Wednesday were also regions in Denmark, Portugal, Ireland and Slovenia. Besides further regions in France, Tschechien, the Netherlands, Croatia, Romania and Hungary were proven as risk areas. Because of the high number of infections almost the whole Czech Republic is now classified as a risk area. “The entire country with the exception of the regions of the Aussiger Region (Ústecký) and the Moravian-Silesian Region (Moravskloslezský)” have been considered a risk area since Wednesday.
— Hector Pascua, Source: Picture:
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